Sunday, 30 January 2011

"I feel that life is divided into the horrible and the miserable...

...That's the two categories. The horrible are like, I don't know, terminal cases, you know, and blind people, crippled. I don't know how they get through life. It's amazing to me. And the miserable is everyone else. So you should be thankful that you're miserable, because that's very lucky, to be miserable."

The above quote is from the film Annie Hall, Woody Allen says it to Diane Keaton when they first start going out. It always stuck with me for some reason. Anyway, it came to my mind last night for some strange reason. As you can probably gather from the fact I use Blogger, I have a Facebook and a Twitter account. It's strange reading other people's musings and thoughts sometimes. For me, Facebook is a bit of fun really. I would never publish my deepest feelings on there. Yet it seems some people use it as a form of therapy or an outlet for their frustrations or something. There's one particular person on there, now I'm not going to name names as that is really unfair but it seems to me from this person's status updates that they are always in the midst of some sort of drama or crisis. I sometimes imagine what it must be like living your life going from one disaster to another. Or having the sort of life that is so depressing you feel the need to regale your cyber friends with your tales of woe constantly. But one thing strikes me as strange. If your life was really that much of a mess, with things going wrong left, right and centre, would you really have the time or energy to sit on facebook for hours? It seems to me that you really should be sorting your life out and not wasting time sat on a social networking site. Which made me think that maybe some people crave attention, even from people they barely know. Now, from this person's account I see that they are married, they have a job, they go out a lot (judging from their photos of nights out), they have a wide circle of friends. What is there to be so depressed out all the time? One of their favourite subjects to moan about on Facebook is their job and how shit it is. I have to rein in the urge to reply "at least you have a fucking job." I sometimes think how my boyfriend would react if I was constantly moaning about my depressing life on Facebook. It doesn't say much for their relationship with their spouse really if they are constantly moaning about how terrible their life is.

Now to counteract all this and to provide a bit of balance, I have another Facebook friend who I know personally. This person has had cancer twice and has recently come out of another session of chemotherapy. You could not hope to meet a more positive, happy person. They never leave depressing, negative comments on Facebook, they never mention it when you see them out unless you ask them. Now, to me this person has a right to be negative and angry. But they never are. They are always happy and smiling and laughing. It always seems to be the people who have no real reason to be miserable who are. I mean, sure everyone gets down and depressed sometimes and I'm not in any way belittling people who do suffer from depression as it has affected members of my own family. But people who just sit and bitch and moan on Facebook all day about their shit jobs and  their stupid insignificant lives really piss me off!! Be thankful for the positive things in your life which other, less fortunate people don't have. Count yourself tremendously lucky that you are only miserable! Rant over!

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